i want create a simple media player (with videoview or Exoplayer)
I tested immersive mode - full screen theme and i set #FullScreen: True
but it's not really full-screen and activity not includes status-bar and notch area
how can i do that? (whitout appCompat or another mediaplayer)
#FullScreen: True hides the status bar but if the device has notch there is an empty black space on top of the screen (instead of the status bar)
can I remove this empty space like some games ,gallery or media player's app.
Original tutorial: Immersive Mode - hide the navigation bar (by @Erel ) So the above tutorial works for those devices which do not have a Notch. Devices with a notch will crop the bottom of the application content. Solution (Project attached): Add this code to GetRealSize sub of the original...