Android Question function len and Select Case Right

buana reksa

New Member
I just started trying b4a. there doesn't seem to be much difference from vb. please help for the completion of the following code.
how is the correct writing. thank you


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buana reksa

New Member
Hi Buana,
Read the following info about the differences between vb and b4a. It will help you not only with the current code.

Converting VB6 to B4A
I still don't understand how to use the
Select Case Right (ar (i), 2)

        Select Case Right(ar(i), 3) 'memeriksa penilaian 3 karakter
                Case "dha" : h = h + 2
                Case "tha" : h = h + 4
                Case "nya", "nga" : h = h + 5
                Case Else
                    Select Case Right(ar(i), 2) 'memeriksa penilaian 2 karakter
                        Case "ha", "da", "pa", "ma" : h = h + 1
                        Case "na", "ta", "ga" : h = h + 2
                        Case "ca", "sa", "ja", "ba" : h = h + 3
                        Case "ra", "wa", "ya" : h = h + 4
                        Case "ka", "la" : h = h + 5
                    End Select
            End Select
what is the correct writing, sir? thank you
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