I have implemented FusedLocationProvider in my app, but I want to separate location services from GPS. Since, for the most part, GPS need not be used, and in the interests of saving battery power, the default would be location services, but should there be no internet access, then I want to fall back to GPS, and also separately offer a direct GPS access if the user requires higher accuracy, without going first to location services.
Being a creature of very little brain (thank you A. A. Milne), I do not see how I can control just location services or just GPS, and any pointers will be gratefully received. Both ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION are permitted in the manifest, although I may make ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION optional later.
Being a creature of very little brain (thank you A. A. Milne), I do not see how I can control just location services or just GPS, and any pointers will be gratefully received. Both ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION are permitted in the manifest, although I may make ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION optional later.