iOS Question FYI: Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code


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I know this is an issue that comes up from time to time. Just thought to mention the resolution when it happened for me today.

It turned out to be Apple's incredibly shonky iCloud keychain messing about again.

This is one of the things that I hate most about the current MacOS experience: from time to time, the saved passwords just go away. It used to be accompanied by an alert in the Control panel asking me to log in, followed by an inevitable error and claim of wrong password. That bit doesn't happen, but from time to time, I open an app on my Mac, click on something like a saved server, and hey presto - the stored password has vanished, because it's somewhere in the ether and Apple won't give it to me.

I suspected this today when I got the error compiling an app with my local builder that had compiled just fine for the simulator a few minutes before, so I opened up my MySQL tool and, just as expected, the save passwords were gone.

Reboot the Mac, saved passwords reappeared and voila! The code signing works again too.

A reboot usually works; sometimes it just comes back on its own. But if you suddenly get this CodeSign error, it might well be the solution, before you pull your hair out.
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