How save image using the gallery requester and typing a name?
There are lots of examples in the forum that saves an image to the gallery and there are examples that saves textfiles using the virtual keyboard
but not the combination; saving an image using the virutal keyboard into the gallery?
I have an image and i want the user to specify the name into the gallery before saving.
How do you get that gallery requester in B4A?
I have an example called Content chooser but I have not yet figured out how to allow the user to save an image that the app provides and how to actually open the Android gallery to allow the user to put in a name for the file?
Depends on: Phone, JavaObject and ContentResolver libraries Sub AddBitmapToGallery (In As InputStream, TargetName As String, MimeType As String) Dim p As Phone Dim ctxt As JavaObject ctxt.InitializeContext If p.SdkVersion >= 29 Then Dim cr As ContentResolver...