Share My Creation (Game) Futoshiki

Futushiki, which means unequal in japanese, is a puzzle game.
The aim of the game is to fill in all empty fields with values from 1 to the maximum cells in a row/column.

While doing this you should keep these rules in mind.

A value can only appear once in a row or column.

If there are markers between the cells then the rule between these cells must be valid (bigger or smaller than)

Each row or column must be unique and not appear twice.

Good luck, you'll need it ;)

Libs used: core, ioxsvg, mwadmobinterstitial2, inappbilling3, reflection

screenshot1-phone.png screenshot2-phone.png screenshot3-phone.png
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I uploaded an update. there was a bug in it that prevented the EASY mode to work as it should as a higher mode was played before.

if the medium mode is too hard or you are not used to the gameplay yet then you should spend some time with the easy mode.
it requires less rules/thinking to complete a level.

When you got the hang of it move to the medium one.

I didn't set the easy mode as default level as it doesn't qualify as Futoshiki puzzle anymore due to the missing operators.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I have issues with google play on my phone so I can't install the latest version from the store.

It worked fine in the previous build that I had on this phone.


Licensed User
Longtime User
alright, I see what goes wrong.

the cause is the added submenu for IOS to recover purchases which doesn't exist for Android.

it will be fixed.
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