Game Over


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True A.I. is being forged as we speak. Both Google DeepMind and/or IBM's Watson could become, in say 20 years, the first Artificial General Intelligence's.
It's scary and yet, so exciting and mesmerizing to imagine what the future could bring.

Please watch the videos below:



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The Human will move into "The Matrix" in near future. Thank you Google.


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Just remember that we are the dinasaures now, in few years the new AI robots will decide to exterminate us and rule alone...
What if the technology is in the hands of the bad guys ?
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Just remember that we are the dinasaures now, in few years the new AI robots will decide to exterminate us and rule alone...
What if the technology is in the hands of the bad guys ?
AI won't take over if they follow the 3 rules of robotics by Asimov.
If the technology is in hands of the bad guy (although this is subjective), the "good" guy will develop improved technology to counter this.


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AI won't take over if they follow the 3 rules of robotics by Asimov
What if AI learn this rule from human "Rules are made to be broken"


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Bring em on! Machines can't screw up the world any worse than we have...

--- Jem
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