Java Question GamePlayServices Progress


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so from my B4A app, I can login to the Server, set and show achievements.. which is a start

As you said, there is a Lot to this library, but I think it's vital to mine and other B4A developers, so I'm glad I've made this much progress.

Before I start digging a hole, it's important I pick the right hole.

Within the GameHelper Class (which I am wrapping) there are a couple of client objects that can be exposed if you are working within Eclipse. For example, to get the GameClient.

mHelper.getGamesClient() (which will return a GameClient object)

Which is where a LOT of the functionality I want to implement comes from. Is there any way to expose this GameClient to B4A?

If not, then I can write individual Getters/setters for the different options (which will take a while.. but my timeline is a couple of weeks to get this done... and since I can connect and set stuff already.. that's just a matter of typing)

Or, I think I could leave it up to Reflection calls. (just return the GameClient) to a B4A call, and then users could run any of the desired code on the GameClient.

just wondering which hole sounds like the better option to dig?

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