Many, many, many years ago, the Commodore 64 allowed me to generate sound using peeks and pokes. Is there an equivalent option to generate sounds using B4* ??
Private Sub Play_Click
btnStartRec.Enabled = False
For Each b() As Byte In buffers
streamer.Write(Null) 'when this "message" will be processed, the player will stop.
End Sub
where the b() byte arrays are simply 16-bit samples in... I think little-endian format, but I'll go double-check that.
and that you can use ByteConverter to transform between Array of Shorts (easier for you to work with) and Array of Bytes (that the audio streamer is expecting):
Dim bc As ByteConverter
bc.LittleEndian = True
Dim Sample16() As Short = bc.ShortsFromBytes(Buffer)