At present, the name of the project in English will generate an apk file with the same name as the project. Chinese the project name generates a result.apk. Currently, in version 13.1, you can set the Chinese name with the following code.
But if Erel wants to, I ask that non-English projects can also generate the corresponding project name, or add a parameter to specify the apk name in main, because it is clear which apk is which project is in order to facilitate distribution and debugging. In fact, we all have to rename the APK file every time.
#If release
'#CustomBuildAction: 4, %WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe,/c move /y %PROJECT_NAME%.apk "中文.apk"
#CustomBuildAction: 4, %WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe,/c move /y result.apk "中文.apk"
#end if