Sub UUIDv4 As String
' Initializes a StringBuilder to construct the UUID string
Dim sb As StringBuilder
' Defines the format of the UUID with 5 groups (8, 4, 4, 4, 12 characters respectively)
For Each stp As Int In Array(8, 4, 4, 4, 12)
' Adds a hyphen (-) between groups, except before the first group
If sb.Length > 0 Then sb.Append("-")
' Iterates through the number of characters in each group
For n = 1 To stp
' Generates a random number between 0 and 15 (hexadecimal)
Dim c As Int = Rnd(0, 16)
' Converts the random number into a hexadecimal character (0-9 or a-f)
If c < 10 Then
c = c + 48 ' Converts numbers 0-9 to their ASCII values (48 = '0')
c = c + 87 ' Converts numbers 10-15 to their ASCII values ('a'-'f', 87 is the offset)
End If
' If we're at the start of the fourth group (sb.Length = 19), adjusts the first character
' This value must be 8, 9, a, or b, as defined by the UUID v4 specification
If sb.Length = 19 Then
' Creates an array containing the possible values for the first character of the fourth group
Dim variantArray() As String = Array As String("8", "9", "a", "b")
' Randomly selects one value from the array and converts it to ASCII
c = Asc(variantArray(Rnd(0, variantArray.Length)))
End If
' If we're at the start of the third group (sb.Length = 14), defines the UUID version as 4
' This is required by the UUID v4 specification
If sb.Length = 14 Then
c = Asc("4") ' Sets the character to "4", indicating version 4
End If
' Appends the generated character to the StringBuilder
' Returns the complete UUID string, converted to lowercase
Return sb.ToString.ToLowerCase
End Sub