There was someone on the forum that provided a sample .sbp for a fractal that looks like a fern leaf - pretty good. Contact details are in comments in the .sbp file. I am more interested in Mandelbrot fractals myself.
After all, fractals are reletively basic mathematical equations, so they shouldn't be too difficult to code.
Aah! the Mandelbrot set. In the good old days we used that to demonstrate the processing power of transputers running in parallel processing configurations. Real time zooming in and out to explore the set was quite impressive!
Aah! the Mandelbrot set. In the good old days we used that to demonstrate the processing power of transputers running in parallel processing configurations. Real time zooming in and out to explore the set was quite impressive!
Going slightly :sign0006: but in 1988 a friend and I programmed a BBC Model B to draw Mandelbrot sets as part of our fifth form project. - It used to take nearly half an hour to draw the 'bug'!! But ever since I saw that you may zoom on the image and see infinite other bugs; I was hooked. Because of 'processing limitations' we couldn't zoom more than a couple of levels