Android Question Genymotion Question


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I just installed GENYMOTION and I have it registering in Eclipse under DDMS. I can't figure how to add it to the AVD list so I can pick it as my emulator in basic4android. Any help would be great.


Licensed User
Longtime User
That's what I expected, but instead I get this:

Parsing code. 0.00
Compiling code. 0.02
Compiling layouts code. 0.01
Generating R file. 0.03
Compiling debugger engine code. 0.39
Compiling generated Java code. 0.45
Convert byte code - optimized dex. 0.36
Packaging files. 0.08
Trial version-skipping library resources0.00
Signing package file (debug key). 0.18
ZipAlign file. 0.01
Installing file to device. Error
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *

Restarting ADB Server may solve this problem.
Tools - Restart ADB Server.

Restarting the ADB server just makes b4a connect to the android device manager, not to GenyMotion.

Any suggestions for where else to look? I cannot waste the time that the android emulator takes. I'm really hoping b4a gets me away from the stranglehold of android development apps on the unix/java side. In my experience, their configuration requirements are always too complex for true usefulness

b4a looks miraculous for that purpose, but not if I must use the S.....L............O..........................W AVDs
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When you say GM emulates a standard device, are you saying that I can use the B4A bridge with it as if it were a real device?

As for reinstalling the Android SDK -- It is working fine with the IntelliJ and Xamarin IDEs I've been using, as does the GM emulator. It's only the B4A IDE that doesn't see the GM emulator.

Also, and possibly related -- When I use the Android emulator with B4A I can programmatically change text in an editText view, but I cannot manually change it by typing. The cursor arrows will move the cursor within the box, but neither the computer keyboard nor the emulators keyboard will type characters in it.

I'm really hoping that B4A can get me back to the Windows environment without having to pay the absurdly exorbitant price that Xamarin demands for the Pro version.

I cannot tell you how much I hate the unix/java love of configuring a crapload of standalone utilities to act as if they were one app. Please help me get this working.
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B4X founder
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B4A IDE calls ADB (part of Android SDK) which then finds the USB connected devices / emulators.
Make sure that B4A is configured to use the same build tools as the other tools.

When I use the Android emulator with B4A I can programmatically change text in an editText view, but I cannot manually change it by typing
B4A doesn't do anything special with the emulator. The emulator is part of Android SDK. The IDE cannot control it or modify its behavior.

As I previously wrote you should avoid using the Android emulator at all.

ADB should detect Genymotion. You can run adb devices from the command line to check whether it is detected or not.

If you have a real device then start with the real device.
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James Chamblin

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Genymotion has its own internal adb server. For some reason, a recent update to the adk has created an incompatibility between the Genymotion adb and B4A on some computers. The solution is to point Genymotion to use the standard adb server. See my post here for solution.
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Licensed User
Longtime User

Can't thank you enough. Both the emulator and editView problems are fixed by using the Android SDK adb server. Now maybe I can get some coding done instead of jerking around practicing how to cobble a pig out of sausage links.

Next step for you guys is to get B4A working directly with GenyMotion again, thereby removing the need to deal directly with the SDK complexity when all I want is to click a button to make a text box read "Hello World!!!".

Kudos, and thanks again.
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