Android Question Geolocation unable to trace your location

Stefano Di Chiano

Active Member
Licensed User
I'm having a problem with the Geolocation library. Everytime I run my app it doesn't get my location. I thought the problem could be related to me being indoor, but if I go on Google maps for instance, it works well and tell me exactly where I am, so my position can be traced.

The following Log:
Log($"GeoLocation_Location(${success}, ${Lattitude}, ${Longitude}, ${info}, ${isMockLocation})"$)
gives me the following result:
GeoLocation_Location(false, 0.0, 0.0, Unble to Trace your location, false)

Another thing I noticed is that after I check my position on Google maps, then my app works as well.
I don't know exactly how GPS works, so I was wondering if someone could help me understand what the problem is and how to solve it.
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