Get an app screenshot ( again... )


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I'm new to B4a but been using it for a couple of weeks. I'm trying to get a screenshot of my app using code in this reference :

Tricks Of The Trade - Basic4android Wiki

Everything seems to work, code compiles and loads to my Nexus 7 just fine, and seems to run without any errors... I click the button and it reacts ( the button lights up then dims about a second later ) but I have no idea where it put the resulting .png file. I can't find it anywhere on the Nexus 7 or in my hosting PC. ( I had the IDE wireless bridge running when I tried it ) I chased down all the info I can on this code, but it reveals nothing. Ideas = ?


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Longtime User
OK, thanks... that explains it... my Nexus 7 doesn't have an SD card.

also, the IDE screenshot capture utility doesn't work over the B4A bridge... and I can't figure out how to link the IDE to my Nexus 7 via USB and do this... might not even be possible any more, although I've seen some info indicating it was once possible.

Finally, I tried running the IDE emulator, ( to run my program on the PC, inside the IDE ) but it won't load the AVD profile for the Nexus 7... it crashes before it finishes...

So I guess I'm out of options... at least on this tablet.

Thanks again.
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Longtime User
... that explains it... my Nexus 7 doesn't have an SD card.
The Nexus 7 DOES have an SD Card, an Internal SD card.

If you have your USB cable that came with the N7, then plug it to your PC, to take a screenshot go to the location where you installed the Android SDK and search for the TOOLS directory, once there, start the utility named "Monitor.bat".
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Longtime User
OK, thanks... I'm new to Android OS and to tablet PCs... apologies...

I tried the program you suggested earlier ( it was mentioned in another thread on this forum ) but it can't see / find my tablet... I know the USB cable is good because my PC pops up a window when it is first connected. ( "open device to view files", "Import pictures and Video", etc )

Using that ( pop-up ) window, I searched for a .png file in the internal directories, but could not find one... but I'm certain there were MANY files that were NOT shown in that directory window. ( there were far too few files present to run one of these beasts )
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Longtime User
Found it... almost by accident, in the internal SD as you said. I could swear I looked there, it's the first directory ( root ) that comes up... can't explain my oversight...

In any event, problem = solved... thanks for the patience.

Bob S.
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