GET and POST variables


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Longtime User
I am trying to set up the device to listen on a port (say 2222) over wifi.

When I enter a URL like in my desktop browser, I want the device to initiate a phone call to the number.

Initiating the phone call is easy. I have not, however, been able to find anything that helps me get those variables. I have seen the file transfer examples, but I think(??) this case is different.

Could someone please point me in the right direction?


Licensed User
Longtime User
So does that mean I need to write software that runs on the desktop? Or should I still be able to pass the phon number via a simple http GET?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Makes perfect sense. I have been doing some more research and I found NanoHTTPD

I'm just debating whether it's worth trying to convert/integrate that into b4a or do the whole thing in Java with Eclipse.
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