B4A Library Get app type

with this library,you can detect app type
we have 2 type app in android that is "System App" and "non-System App"
this library do this action.
you must be send package name to function and it return true or false
if true,your app is system and false is non-system app.loooooool

declare varible and use "IsSystemApp" function for detect type

i cannot upload library in forum but you can download Here
Goooooooooood Luck


Licensed User
Longtime User
650kb library to find out if a app is a systemapp???? Sorry, but: LOL
I dont want to bother you but please tell me:
What the hell do you did there in your java-library that the lib becomes 650kb for 10 lines of code....

Try this!
Sub isSystemapp(app As String) As Boolean
    Dim Obj1, Obj2, Obj3 As Reflector
  Dim size, i, flags As Int
  Dim result As Boolean = False

    Obj1.Target = Obj1.GetContext
  Obj1.Target = Obj1.RunMethod("getPackageManager") ' PackageManager
  Obj1.Target = Obj1.RunMethod2("getInstalledPackages", 0, "java.lang.int") ' List<PackageInfo>
  For i = 0 To Obj1.RunMethod("size") -1
      Obj2.Target = Obj1.RunMethod2("get", i, "java.lang.int") ' PackageInfo
    Dim name As String = Obj2.GetField("packageName")
        If app.ToLowerCase = name.ToLowerCase Then
            Obj3.Target = Obj2.GetField("applicationInfo") ' ApplicationInfo 
        flags = Obj3.GetField("flags")
        If Bit.AND(flags, 1)  = 0 Then
            'app is not in the system image
                ' Systemapp
                result = True
            End If 
        End If
    Return result
End Sub

** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
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