If I understand .. you want to get the image of the listview selected item.
By using AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2 method you can store a return value for item clicks .. unfortunately I don't think you can directly store an image.
You could use a Map to store the Listview items (including Image) and set this as the return object
Then on ListView_Click you can by access the contents of the map retrieving the image ...
You can store an Object. Any object. You can store an bitmap too. ONLY a Bitmap.
I suggest using a map into the returnvalue. With a Map (or list) you can store any amount of data or objects into one return-value
Dim retmap As Map
retmap.Put("line1","this is line 1")
retmap.Put("line2","this is line 2")
lv.AddTwoLines2(cells(0),cells(1), retmap)