Android Question Get button color


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How can I get the color of the button? I can set the color with "btn1.Color = Colors.White", I can’t find out what color the button is now using the condition "If btn1.Color = Colors.White Then" How can I do this?


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This could be an alternative method if no one else replies with a more direct way:

Store the color in the button's .Tag property.

btn1.color = Colors.White
btn1.Tag = Colors.White


If btn1.Tag = Colors.White Then
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Change the button type to B4XView and you will then be able to get the color.

However setting the color like this for a button is usually a mistake. The button will not change its color when it is pressed.
And how can I change the color of the button while maintaining the property that when the button is pressed, it also changes color? For example, I have a green button, when pressed it darkens a little, I change the color to red and now it darkens a little when pressed.
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