in the contactsutils class that accompanies the example, you will see some code in the CLV1_ItemClick sub in main.
[B][U]look for this:[/U][/B]
For Each email As cuEmail In cu.GetEmails(c.Id)
sb.Append(", ").Append(email.EmailType).Append(CRLF)
EditText1.Text = sb.ToString
[B][U]you add this:[/U][/B]
Dim org As cuOrganization = cu.GetOrganization(c.Id)
sb.Append(org.Company).Append(", ").Append(org.Title).Append(CRLF)
EditText1.Text = sb.ToString
i only have 1 contact with a company name. it displayed fine. if there is no company name, you see "null". you can replace that with "" or "no company", if you like.
note: when i downloaded and ran the example to see what it did, there was a crash. the example shows permissions for read and write contacts in the manifest, BUT the code only asks for permission to write contacts. normally a write permission implies read, so i'm not surprised that the author only asked for write permission. nevertheless, the example would not run until i did a runtime permission for read as well. i did read first and then write. once i asked for both permissions, the example ran fine. and, as indicated above, the company can be displayed.
the basic code for obtaining the company name was already in the contactsutil class. it was just a question of adding it to main. you can do the same with other fields of interest.