I'm not looking for software that does this. I'm researching how I can create software using B4J.
Is there any tutorial or example code for this?You need to implement the SNMP protocol and get this data from the router.
Thank you, but I already checked this. It keeps saying timeout. I'm doing something wrong, maybe.see here
SNMP Library V.0.1
Dopo aver attinto al forum alla ricerca di informazioni e aiuto (vedi LucaMs per gli eventi) metto a disposizione una parte del lavoro svolto. Premetto che la libreria SNMP è sviluppata parzialmente visto che esegue ciò che mi necessita e che al momento l'unico comando standard funzionante è il...www.b4x.com
You've made a great application. Is there a chance you can share the source code in exchange for a donation?not something fancy...
simple... and shows how to use jshell...
[B4J] MAGMA IP-Scanner (network utility)
Hi there, Well I ve created a simple IP Scanner for Windows only (runs sure at, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11)... It uses jShell Library, so cmd, also ping.exe, ipconfig.exe, arp.exe... Is a good example how to use String, Regex, substring, indexof, Wait For... I am attaching only the .jar file - i...www.b4x.com
ofcourse... you can use alone the jshell, make a loop... to ping ips...and use arp to get mac addresses...
there are many ways to achieve that in an OS...
Yes.. You can buy me a beer... if you want..You've made a great application. Is there a chance you can share the source code in exchange for a donation?
now i ve seen names...Hello,
How can I get the names, MAC addresses, and IP addresses of all devices connected to my network (LAN or Wi-Fi)?
I'm a novice in this subject. Please forgive me for my silly questions. Can you explain how I can use this script with B4J? Example code would be very helpful.This script script also seems nice... and works faster...
Also... there are techniques to "search" with the start of MAC-Address and find the Manufacteur... at internet you can find big lists with mac addresses...
nmap isn't default command-app of Windows - but sure is very good utility !use nmap in a shell, will get you all info from a single host
scanning one host using FQDN:
nmap -sn --system-dns or nmap --system-dns -O with portscan
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-09-21 08:28 CEST
Nmap scan report for odroidc2-dev.rat.box (
Host is up (0.00074s latency).
MAC Address: 00:1E:06:43:EF:9B (Wibrain)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.07 seconds
nmap -sn --system-dns for a complete net scan