Hi, i can't get index from
Dim indx As Int=clvListaTareasCard.GetItemFromView(Sender)
i have a 2 layout
(a)-one with principal panel(pnlCard) that hold 1 child panel(datetime info) and 3 buttons outside child panel (Compartir, Completar, Eliminar)
(b)-another layout with principal panel(pnlCard) that hold 2 child panels
b.1-one child panel like point (a) (datetime info)
b.2-another child panel(pnlLista) that hold a xCLV1 with items panels (the list of items s,q,w,e).
with point (a) and point (b.1) i can determine index from 3 buttons (Compartir, Completar, Eliminar)
but with point (b.2) i can't get the index of this list (s,q,w,e) to interact with this 2 fontawesome labels colors when clic ,etc...
layout frmPrincipalHolder
2 different layout
another panel layout inside of clvListaTareasCard
when clic one of three button work great
when trying to use basic code,, and testing testing various spagetti code, trying to find solution
i want to determine de index of items inside of clvListaTareasCard to interact with description, labels colors, etc.
have a day (24 hour) testing testing, can't find solution or behavior.
please help! ... thank you
Dim indx As Int=clvListaTareasCard.GetItemFromView(Sender)
i have a 2 layout
(a)-one with principal panel(pnlCard) that hold 1 child panel(datetime info) and 3 buttons outside child panel (Compartir, Completar, Eliminar)
(b)-another layout with principal panel(pnlCard) that hold 2 child panels
b.1-one child panel like point (a) (datetime info)
b.2-another child panel(pnlLista) that hold a xCLV1 with items panels (the list of items s,q,w,e).
with point (a) and point (b.1) i can determine index from 3 buttons (Compartir, Completar, Eliminar)
but with point (b.2) i can't get the index of this list (s,q,w,e) to interact with this 2 fontawesome labels colors when clic ,etc...
layout frmPrincipalHolder
2 different layout
another panel layout inside of clvListaTareasCard
when clic one of three button work great
when trying to use basic code,, and testing testing various spagetti code, trying to find solution
i want to determine de index of items inside of clvListaTareasCard to interact with description, labels colors, etc.
have a day (24 hour) testing testing, can't find solution or behavior.
please help! ... thank you