I want to show the logs on a website instead of the terminal.
Ive found Erels snippet to redirect the output to a file.
But i think its not the best way because the file will get bigger and bigger, and i sometimes have problems to read the file , while my app writes to it.
Is there a way to directly access the log output?
I think this is not what i need (if i understand it correctly). i didnt find any function wich catch the java log output. I assume its a own logger?
My app is a non-gui app. The user control this app via B4J webapp (Websocket).
Because the user has no access to the terminal log, i need to redirect it to a textarea on the webapp.
This is a sub that gets called when a user connects to a webpage served by a B4J non-ui app (the "Server Monitor") that monitors my other B4J non-ui apps. The user can specify the number of lines (showing the bottom 50 lines, for example) of the servers' logs. It just reads the log file into a list and returns x number of lines at the bottom building the output string via StringBuilder. It's something quick and easy to look at in case of a problem or to check on the server apps quickly.
To keep things tidy and fast, part of each B4J non-ui app is a BackgroundWorker class that routinely trims the log files generated by it to ~5mb. The older log entry lines get archived into a database for more detailed analysis and reporting on the functioning of all of the server apps by the Server Monitor.
Sub ShowServerLog
' Server Log
If File.Exists(File.DirApp & Main.DirectorySeparator & "logs", "logs.txt") = True Then
Dim sb As StringBuilder : sb.initialize
Dim List1 As List = File.ReadList(File.DirApp & Main.DirectorySeparator & "logs", "logs.txt")
If List1.Size-1 > = ShowServerLogLines Then
Dim start As Int = List1.Size - 1 - ShowServerLogLines
Dim start As Int = 0
End If
Dim finish As Int = List1.Size - 1
For i = start To finish
sb.Append(List1.Get(i) & "</br>")
End If
End Sub
And this, of course, is how to redirect the log() output to file, which gets called in the Main module …
Sub RedirectOutputToFile (Dir As String, FileName As String)
Dim out As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(Dir, FileName, True) 'Set to True to append the logs
Dim ps As JavaObject
ps.InitializeNewInstance("java.io.PrintStream", Array(out, True, "utf8"))
Dim jo As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("setOut", Array(ps))
jo.RunMethod("setErr", Array(ps))
#end if
End Sub
I use your example to trim the file after exeeding a size.
If File.Exists(File.DirApp, "logs.txt") = True Then
If File.Size(File.DirApp,"logs.txt")>610 Then
Dim List1 As List = File.ReadList(File.DirApp, "logs.txt")
If List1.Size-1 > = ShowServerLogLines Then
Dim start As Int = List1.Size - 1 - ShowServerLogLines
Dim start As Int = 0
End If
Dim finish As Int = List1.Size - 1
Dim newList As List
For i = start To finish
File.WriteList(File.DirApp, "logs.txt",newList)
End If
End If
But i also get the squares on the website as soon as i write to the file. and the file opened in notepad++ shows blacks NUL
i didnt use the jShell lib