Android Question get only phone# from listview with phone# and type


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In my app the user selects a contact from a listview and then a phone number from the selected contact's list of phone numbers and phone types (using ContactUtils). However the selection produces both the phone number and the type. How do I get just the phone number from the user's selection?
Here's the relevant code. (The last item in the code below "Value" has both the phone# and phonetype and I just want the phone# but need to show the phone type in the list for the user to make his selection).

Sub listContacts_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
    Dim c As cuContact = Value
    For Each phone As cuPhone In cu.GetPhones(c.Id)
        listPhonenums.AddSingleLine(phone.Number & " , " & phone.PhoneType)           
End Sub
Sub listPhonenums_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
End Sub