You can't retrieve the job name after you've printed it, but you can set it before you print it see (May work slightly differently for different printers).
Yes you can skip the dialogs, you will need to get the printer you want to print to using Printer_Static.GetAllPrinters, and find the printer object
Something like:
Dim mPrinterName As String = "the target printer name"
Dim Ptr As Printer
Dim TPJ As PrinterJob
Dim JS As JobSettings
Dim PL As PageLayout
For Each P As Printer In AllPrinters
If P.GetName.ToLowerCase = mPrinterName.ToLowerCase Then
Ptr = P
End If
Or get the default printer
Ptr = Printer_Static.GetDefaultPrinter
Create a printer Job from the printer:
TPJ = PrinterJob_Static.CreatePrinterJob2(Ptr)
Get the Jobsettings
JS = TPJ.GetJobSettings
, Unless you are happy with the defaults which you would have to try as they are not likely to be the same for all printers.
Then set the paper and other settings you require:
PL = Ptr.CreatePageLayout(mPaper,mOrientation,LeftPageMargin,RightPageMargin,TopPageMargin,BottomPageMargin)