I have a xCLV, with multiple TextFieldAdvanced fields; that I`m using for data entry.
But I need to get the 'textfield.text' contents from each of them; so I can save the data into a db. I`m stepping through each card on the CLV to grab data using the code below, but I can`t figure how to get the content from the TFA using the 'getview' function...
Dim sb As StringBuilder
For index = 0 To clv1.Size - 1
Dim pnl As Panel = clv1.GetPanel(index)
Dim pp As B4XView = pnl.GetView(0) 'card panel
sb.Append(pp.GetView(2).text)) <----????
This is a common question and for a good reason. Custom views classes are not views by themselves. The views tree only holds views. This means that this code cannot work: Dim B4XFloatTextField1 As B4XFloatTextField = CLV.GetPanel(x).GetView(y) The actual view that is added to the views tree...