B4J Code Snippet Get the FileIcon from a file

SubName: GetFileIcon

Description: Get the FileIcon from an exe for ex.

Dependencies: JavaObject

Tags: GetFileIcon, FileIcon

Sub GetFileIcon(Dir As String, FileName As String) As Image
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   Dim JavaFile As JavaObject
   Dim icon As JavaObject
   JavaFile.InitializeNewInstance("java.io.File", Array(File.Combine(Dir, FileName)))
   If GetSystemProperty("os.name", "").ToLowerCase.Contains("win") Then
       icon  = jo.InitializeStatic("sun.awt.shell.ShellFolder").RunMethodJO("getShellFolder", Array(JavaFile)).RunMethod("getIcon", Array(True))
       icon = jo.InitializeStatic("sun.awt.shell.ShellFolder").RunMethodJO( _
        "getShellFolder", Array(JavaFile)).RunMethod("getIcon", Array(True))
       Dim fc As JavaObject
       fc.InitializeNewInstance("javax.swing.JFileChooser", Null)
       Dim icon As JavaObject = fc.RunMethodJO("getUI", Null).RunMethodJO("getFileView", Array(fc)).RunMethod("getIcon", Array(JavaFile))
       Dim AquaIcon As JavaObject
       icon = AquaIcon.RunMethod("getImageForIcon", Array(icon))
   End If
   Return AwtImageToImage(icon)
End Sub

Private Sub AwtImageToImage(img As JavaObject) As Image
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   Return jo.InitializeStatic("javafx.embed.swing.SwingFXUtils").RunMethod("toFXImage", Array(img, Null))
End Sub

ImageView1.SetImage(GetFileIcon("C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\B4J", "B4J.exe"))
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Erel stop liking your own code
You are missing the important point. You don't 'like' the post content. You 'like' the author that made the post. This is the way to say thank you to DonManfred who took the time to make this post and help others.


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Which OSX version icon pixel standard is this from? I've done some research and found that there's different icon sizes for various OSX versions. The one provided here displays a low quality icon compared to the standard we can expect on todays desktop applications. Follow this link to see the pixel standards available for Mac here and update the code accordingly. Cheers


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@DonManfred You seem so convinced even though it concerns an update to the same question? does not the icon size standard seem relevant to this thread?
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