Dim j As HttpJob
j.Tag = "job1"
j.PostString(rdcLink & "?method=" & method ,"abc")
Wait For(j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
Log("Inserted successfully!")
End If
so i managed already to convert a map to byte send it with *.postbyte() and convert it back to a map from the req. InputStream.
but if i send a string i have read somewhere that http already converts it to a byte object so i tought converting it back to string but i am getting an error.
i solved it using a different approach.
i append the string to the post url instead and then i am able to get the string back. is this the right way to do?
Dim s As String = "abc"
j.PostString(rdcLink & "?method=" & method & $"& data=${s}"$,"")