B4J Code Snippet Get Visible Area Of Scrollpane

Couldn't find a solution to this when searching. If you use the Scrollpane's width and height property to calculate the viewable area it is including the scrollbars so gives you the wrong answer.

Call Get GetVisibleRect to get a B4XRect for the coordinates of the visible area of the Scrollpane.

Sub GetVisibleRect(SC As ScrollPane) As B4XRect
    Dim R As B4XRect
    R.Initialize(CalcHOffSet(SC),CalcVOffSet(SC),CalcHOffSet(SC)+ GetViewPortWidth(SC), CalcVOffSet(SC) + GetViewPortHeight(SC))
    Return R
End Sub

Sub GetViewPortHeight(SC As ScrollPane) As Double
    Dim JOSC As JavaObject = SC
    Return JOSC.RunMethodJO("getViewportBounds",Null).RunMethod("getHeight",Null)
End Sub

Sub GetViewPortWidth(SC As ScrollPane) As Double
    Dim JOSC As JavaObject = SC
    Return JOSC.RunMethodJO("getViewportBounds",Null).RunMethod("getWidth",Null)
End Sub

Sub CalcVOffSet(SC As ScrollPane) As Double

    Dim JOSC As JavaObject = SC
    Dim VMin As Double = JOSC.RunMethod("getVmin",Null)
    Dim VMax As  Double  = JOSC.RunMethod("getVmax",Null)
    Dim VSCroll As  Double = JOSC.RunMethod("getVvalue",Null)
    Dim ContentHeight As Double = JOSC.RunMethodJO("getContent",Null).RunMethodJO("getLayoutBounds",Null).RunMethod("getHeight",Null)
    Dim ViewPortHeight As Double = GetViewPortHeight(SC)
    Return Max(0,  ContentHeight - ViewPortHeight) * (VSCroll - VMin) / (VMax - VMin)
End Sub

Sub CalcHOffSet(SC As ScrollPane) As Double
    Dim JOSC As JavaObject = SC
    Dim HMin As Double = JOSC.RunMethod("getHmin",Null)
    Dim HMax As  Double  = JOSC.RunMethod("getHmax",Null)
    Dim HSCroll As  Double = JOSC.RunMethod("getHvalue",Null)
    Dim ContentHeight As Double = JOSC.RunMethodJO("getContent",Null).RunMethodJO("getLayoutBounds",Null).RunMethod("getWidth",Null)
    Dim ViewPortWidth As Double = GetViewPortWidth(SC)
    Return Max(0,  ContentHeight - ViewPortWidth) * (HSCroll - HMin) / (HMax - HMin)
End Sub
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