Thanks for you reply.
My app is already working well using B4A BluetoothAdmin and BtSerial but I have to implement a special requirement.
Using the extra value from intent, I want to create a android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice then access an internal method, setPin(). In Java I would do this:
BluetoothDevice device = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(intent.getParcelableExtra(..))
I am not sure about B4A Reflection but I think I need it to get this done, and there is a good chance I will mess things up by reflecting BluetoothDevice because BluetoothDevice is a thin wrapper that serves android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter that is managed by B4A BluetoothAdmin. Do you think so?
Aternatively, I can write all Bluetooth stuff in Java and put it in a B4A library.
I appreciate some advice.