Android Question Getting index of panel added to customlistview


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Dear All,

I have a customlistview which adds each item as a panel, and I need to capture click and longclick events on these, with various results depending on which panel is clicked.

A few lines to clarify my setup:

clv_contacts.Add(CreateListItem_contactlist(ct,clv_contacts.AsView.Width,50dip), 50dip, ct)

Sub CreateListItem_contactlist(ct As Contactentries, itemWidth As Int, itemheight As Int) As Panel
    Dim p As Panel
    Activity.AddView(p, 0, 0, itemWidth, itemheight)

        contact_Label.Text =  ct.contact_Name
    contact_Label.Tag = ct.contact_Name

    contact_imgpanel.Width = contact_image.Width
    contact_imgpanel.height = contact_image.height
    Dim cdw As ColorDrawable

    Return p
End Sub

As you can see I added a tag on the panel, but I´ve realized that since in the click and longclick events there´s no index, of course the tag will always contain only the last item added.
Does anybody have an idea of how this can be elegantly solved?

Thanks in advance!


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As you can see I added a tag on the panel
Aehm. Wrong. You are adding a Tag on a contact_label.

If you want to distinguish the panel itself you can - for ex - add a parameter

Sub CreateListItem_contactlist(ct As Contactentries, itemWidth As Int, itemheight As Int, Tag as Object) As Panel
    Dim p As Panel
    p.Tag = Tag  ' add the tag to the Panel to find the right panel later
    Activity.AddView(p, 0, 0, itemWidth, itemheight)
        contact_Label.Text =  ct.contact_Name
    contact_Label.Tag = ct.contact_Name

    contact_imgpanel.Width = contact_image.Width
    contact_imgpanel.height = contact_image.height
    Dim cdw As ColorDrawable

    Return p
End Sub
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You´re right of course - it´s not the panel I added the tag to - thanks for making me see this
I couldn´t get the panel event to fire though, so I went back to work with the label and got it working doing the following in the contact_label_click event:

Dim l As Label
    l = Sender
    Log ("here´s the tag " & l.Tag)

The log shows that it now knows which item (label) that was clicked.
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