The program I want to write will have 9 timers that have code to produce different visual effects, using 60 WS2812B LEDs. I also want to use an IR remote to select (enable) the timers.
But, I'm not able to read the IR correctly when the NeoPixel Show command is used in a timer sub that has a fast interval of about 80 - 0. Everything works fine if the timer interval is slower, but I need the timer intervals to go as fast as 10-0 in order to produce the desired visual effects. I also discovered that the IR and NeoPixels works correctly if the LED strip is initialized for 8 or less LEDs, but I need to use 60 WS2812B LEDs.
I've tried using the AdafruitNeoPixel and IRremote libraries and had the same results.
I stumbled upon a FAQ on the GitHub site that talks about the problem...
"IR does not work right when using Neopixels (aka WS2811/WS2812/WS2812B). Whether you use the Adafruit Neopixel lib, or FastLED, interrupts get disabled on many lower end CPUs like the basic arduinos. In turn, this stops the IR interrupt handler from running when it needs to. There are some solutions to this on some processors, see this page from Marc MERLIN ("
I was hoping to use the Pro Mini or Nano because of their low cost and small size, but I might have to upgrade to a faster board if that's what it takes to solves the IR and NeoPixels problem.
Does anyone have a recommendation for board to use with B4R that is low cost and fast?
Is there anything that can be done in code to make IR and NeoPixels work together with fast timer intervals (0 - 50) on a Pro Mini or Nano?
Thanks in advance.
The program I want to write will have 9 timers that have code to produce different visual effects, using 60 WS2812B LEDs. I also want to use an IR remote to select (enable) the timers.
But, I'm not able to read the IR correctly when the NeoPixel Show command is used in a timer sub that has a fast interval of about 80 - 0. Everything works fine if the timer interval is slower, but I need the timer intervals to go as fast as 10-0 in order to produce the desired visual effects. I also discovered that the IR and NeoPixels works correctly if the LED strip is initialized for 8 or less LEDs, but I need to use 60 WS2812B LEDs.
I've tried using the AdafruitNeoPixel and IRremote libraries and had the same results.
I stumbled upon a FAQ on the GitHub site that talks about the problem...
"IR does not work right when using Neopixels (aka WS2811/WS2812/WS2812B). Whether you use the Adafruit Neopixel lib, or FastLED, interrupts get disabled on many lower end CPUs like the basic arduinos. In turn, this stops the IR interrupt handler from running when it needs to. There are some solutions to this on some processors, see this page from Marc MERLIN ("
I was hoping to use the Pro Mini or Nano because of their low cost and small size, but I might have to upgrade to a faster board if that's what it takes to solves the IR and NeoPixels problem.
Does anyone have a recommendation for board to use with B4R that is low cost and fast?
Is there anything that can be done in code to make IR and NeoPixels work together with fast timer intervals (0 - 50) on a Pro Mini or Nano?
Thanks in advance.
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private Strip1 As NSRainbow ' rNSRainbow Library, WS2812B LED strip
Private tmrProgram_1 As Timer ' fast timer
Private tmrProgram_2 As Timer ' slow timer
Private tmrIR As Timer ' reads the IR and selects one of the program timers
Private ProgNum As Int = 0 ' current program
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
Strip1.Initialize(60, 8) ' no problem if initialized for 8 LEDs, but I need 60 LEDs
RunNative("enableIRIn", Null) ' use C code instead of library
tmrProgram_1.Initialize("tmrProgram_1_Tick", 20) ' problem when less than 80 or so
tmrProgram_1.Enabled = False
tmrProgram_2.Initialize("tmrProgram_2_Tick", 150) ' no problems at this speed
tmrProgram_2.Enabled = False
tmrIR.Initialize("tmrIR_Tick", 100) ' speed doesn't seem to matter
tmrIR.Enabled = True
End Sub
' This timer demonstrates the problem where tmrIR can't correctly read IR
' because the timer interval is too fast (about 80 or faster).
Private Sub tmrProgram_1_tick
Strip1.SetColor(1, 0, 0, 200) ' turn LED red
Strip1.Show ' If this line is commented out then the IR works
End Sub
' This timer demonstrates that a slower interval (80 or slower) doesn't interfere
' with tmrIR reading the IR
Private Sub tmrProgram_2_Tick
Strip1.SetColor(1, 200, 0, 0) ' turn LED blue
End Sub
Sub tmrIR_Tick
Dim Result As UInt = RunNative("read", Null)
If Result > 0 Then
tmrProgram_1.Enabled = False ' disable timers
tmrProgram_2.Enabled = False ' disable timers
Select Result
Case 41565 ' IR button 1 was pressed
Log("Program 1")
ProgNum = 1
Case 25245 ' IR button 2 was pressed
Log("Program 2")
ProgNum = 2
Case Else ' junk from IR
Log("Else, Result: ", Result)
End Select
' enable timer of the selected program
Select ProgNum
Case 1
tmrProgram_1.Enabled = True
Case 2
tmrProgram_2.Enabled = True
End Select
End If
End Sub
' IR
#if C
#include "IRremote.h"
IRrecv irrecv(4); //signal pin. Change as needed
decode_results results;
B4R::Object res;
void enableIRIn(B4R::Object* o) {
B4R::Object* read(B4R::Object* o) {
ULong result = 0;
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
//b4r_main::_lastread = millis();
result = results.value;
return res.wrapNumber(result);
#end if