Android Question Getting "ticks" value for 01:00


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Hi Everyone,

I tried to locate examples of getting the ticks value of a given time string but could not find any. Here's my attempt at getting the ticks value of 01:00.

DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"

Did I miss something?



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Hi Steve,

Thanks for the quick reply.

It was 01:00. It was crashing my app so I tried to reboot the device and it work. Strange isn't it?

Again thanks so much.
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Hi Klaus,

I wanted it to return the ticks value. Listed below is the actual coding I used. It crashed the app. When I restarted it, the crashing stopped. I also changed the KVS key ID just to make the coding simple. The final coding will use the ticks value in an If statement.

DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"
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