Hi everyone!
I have a strange problem. In my app there are animated gif during the app loading phase. On the new iPhones I noticed that this gif has tripled its speed! It only happens on the new iPhone!
does anyone know how this is possible?
Thank you all
I use the same library.
I attach your example and added the gif.
Can you tell me if you are having the same problem too? Thank you
you can download it here : example
Let me expand on that and say that all gifs, with the exception of zampagif.gif, are broken. They are neither accepted in Firefox nor GIMP. The latter provided an error message that might give some clue to what the issue is: "Error reading magic number".
I was missing a cross platform, animated gif view, so created one. Usage is simple: Add with the visual designer and call SetGif to set the gif file. The B4i implementation depends on FLAnimatedImage open source project: https://github.com/Flipboard/FLAnimatedImage The FLAnimatedImage library...