

Licensed User
Longtime User
I hope you will reconsider your decision to leave the forum - you helped a lot of users.

From what I tried to read in the other thread (with most of your posts missing) it seems like that particular topic can bring strong feelings on both sides, so since this forum is meant to be neutral grounds (just like the Space Station is because it has both US and Russian astronauts that don't let their country's politics effect their mission), such a topic would only cause problems for everyone, so maybe it's better to not let it effect this space.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I agree with JohnC... This forum should be a neutral field for some kind of things.
You're a valuable member of the community... a programmers community, with a lot of differents ways of thinking... But we should not let that differents opinions divide us¡
B4X is above all other things here


Licensed User
Ciao Filippo,
spero che cambi idea , come mai questa decisione drastica?
qui siamo un gruppo di amici, ognuno con la propria opinione, ma sembre un gruppo di amici
con cui condividere le proprie esperienza di informatica e di conoscenza B4X


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Longtime User
before I end my membership after 15 years, I would like to thank everyone who has supported and helped me.

Thank you
Filippo io pensavo andassi in "pensione" beato te ?
Se te ne vai per altri motivi ( che non conosco mi sarà sfuggito il thread ) fai male. Le chiacchiere lasciale agli altri. Quello che conta è il fare..e tu sei uno che fa.


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Longtime User
I'm sorry if you drop out. I'll contact you in other ways to keep hearing from you

Today it is thought that a friendship can only be born by adding the name in the list of a social network and interrupting a friendship by deleting a name from a social network.
In my part that we are very backward, friendship is the result of years of esteem and the interruption of friendship for really serious and irremediable things.

So I believe that if you consider your decision to leave the forum final (which I do not agree with but respect) it will not interrupt the friendships you have.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Your choice is very sad for all of us... but you are free to do anything you want..

I believe that you gave too much - of your time, your knowledge... too pitty ... If you change your opinion we are here..
Ofcourse here is just a Forum of developers... nothing stops here... and you can continue to use B4X without give knowledge to others...
but i think that everything Starts here... ...continue here
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Licensed User
Longtime User
For fun into that sad... Well this pos
if you ask the meaning of my sentence then I'll explain it to you: We have known each other for a long time and I can write him an email, call him and contact him on whatsApp. So his absence here doesn't break our relationship. I can contact him in other ways.

I hope I have answered your question.
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Ciao Filippo.
Sad to see you go.
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