Android Question Google Billing Library 7.00

Cliff McKibbin

Licensed User
I just received an update to:

in which Erel says that testing with the Google billing is broken in version 7.00.

I looked at my app which has been using it and noticed that the library shows '5.21' but the 'on line' column says '7.00'
I downloaded the attached library and copied it into my 'Additional Libraries'. There was a billing-7.0.0.aar included.
I renamed the billing-5.2.1.aar so that it would no longer be used (I thought) and brought up b4a again.

The libraries box still shows 5.21 but on-line 7.00.

Is there something else that I am supposed to do to use the library for 7.00?
I am also assuming that I don't have to do anything else for the app to use the new library. Please confirm that.

Thanks, Cliff McKibbin


Licensed User
Longtime User
I downloaded the attached library and copied it into my 'Additional Libraries'.
Please note the bold sentence in the BillingLibraryThread
This is an internal library.

Means: you have to replace it in the INTERNAL Library folder.
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