One of my programmers has been making Dart servers (running under the Dart VM) for awhile and she really likes the language. It's produced some good tools and she's been wanting to experiment with Dart under Flutter to tie her servers into the mobile area instead of just browsers. From the initial looks of it, it seems compelling and we're going to see what it can do in the (our) real world. It certainly has some advantages over lots of other professional development environments.
There's talk of Flutter being positioned to being featured on a (possibly) new Google OS, as well. But, of course, that's just speculation. Still, it's amazing how fast reality comes from speculation these days. Except, you know, the early-mid 90's.
I'm still reluctant to fully abandon desktop UI's for the types of bread-and-butter systems we create although the writing has been on the wall for fully browser-based for awhile now. Depending on how her experiments go on the mobile side, it could change some of what we do in mobile development platforms. If a professional development environment can offer development speed, platform reach and sufficient numbers of programmers for the future, then that's the way we'll go.