Hi -
I want to build an app that accesses Google Image Search API to set options, search for images via keyword, and even download one or more images from the resultset.
I searched the entire forum and the closest thread I found was the following one that is for google maps, which I learned a bit from but really this doesn't give me what I need.
This code is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J. 1. Get an API key: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/get-api-key 2. Sub PlaceToLatLon(Place As String) As ResumableSub Dim res() As Double = Array As Double(9999, 9999) Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("", Me)...
google has a number of apis you can sign up for and get keys for. just google "google apis" (not here; use google.com). many are (or used to be) rest-based, so you can use them with okhttputils2. i used bing's image api a few years ago with okhttputils2. i think i may have found it easier to use than google's at the time. worked well enough then.