Android Question Google Map Plotting Azimuth

Noorul HAQUE

Licensed User
Hi All

I am in early stage of developing app for finding cell coverage from LAT, LONG and AZIMUTH on google map. the out should be like same way the attached image.

Appreciating the support


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more or less ... you simply can't
  1. officially, cell location database is not public. Each provider knows where he installed the cells and related angle and coverage.
  2. If there is a library, you can just discover the LAC/ID of the cell where you are connected, with some other (unuseful for your needings) informations.
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Noorul HAQUE

Licensed User
Hi thanks alot for your reply... fortunately i have cell location database since i am doing this project for Law Enforcement Agency , i have CDR mnc, mcc, lac, cell ID, LAT, LONG and azimuth.. all i need to make a pie chart of coverage from this data on map
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