Hi. I'm developing an application that uses map and location, I could not make the map rotate, to always go up, according to the movement of the smartphone. I think I have to make it spin automatically, but how do I know what value I should put as a parameter? Do you have any more detailed examples?
Thank you very much.
I even put this doubt into another conversation, but the answer did not help me much ..
the code I'm using is this:
Sub GPS_LocationChanged (Location1 As Location)
If (vTelaAtual = "Motorista") Then
vLatOld = vLatitude
vLongOld = vLongitude
vLatitude = Location1.Latitude
vLongitude = Location1.Longitude
vVelocidade = Location1.Speed * 3.6
vLatitude = vLatitude & "000000000000"
vLongitude = vLongitude & "000000000000"
vVelocidade = vVelocidade & "000000000000"
vLatitude = vLatitude.SubString2(0,12)
vLongitude = vLongitude.SubString2(0,12)
vVelocidade = vVelocidade.SubString2(0,12)
' SetBearing( Location1 )
If( (vTelaAtual = "Motorista") And (tmTempo.Enabled = False) ) Then tmTempo.Enabled= True
End If
End Sub
Sub mfMapaMotorista_Ready
If( (GPS1.IsInitialized) And (vLatitude <> "") And (vLongitude <> "" )) Then
gmap = mfMapaMotorista.GetMap
Dim vVeloc As Double = vVelocidade
Dim m1 As Marker = gmap.AddMarker(vLatitude, vLongitude, pNomeExibir)
m1.Snippet = vVeloc & "KM/h"
m1.Title = pNomeExibir
Activity.title = pNomeExibir & " - " & NumberFormat( vVeloc, 0,3) & " KM/H"
Dim latlon As LatLng
Dim lBearingTo As Location, vBearingTo As Double
lBearingTo.Initialize2(gmap.MyLocation.Latitude, gmap.MyLocation.Longitude)
vBearingTo = vDestino.BearingTo(lBearingTo)
gmap.MapType = gmap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL
gmap.MapType = gmap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL
gmap.MyLocationEnabled = True
gmap.GetUiSettings.MyLocationButtonEnabled =True
gmap.GetUiSettings.TiltGesturesEnabled = True
gmap.GetUiSettings.ZoomGesturesEnabled = True
gmap.GetUiSettings.CompassEnabled = True
gmap.GetUiSettings.RotateGesturesEnabled = True
gmap.GetUiSettings.ZoomControlsEnabled = True
Dim cp As CameraPosition
cp.Initialize2( latlon.Latitude, latlon.Longitude, gmap.CameraPosition.Zoom, vBearingTo, 1)
End If
End Sub