Android Question Google maps error B4A v6.50


Licensed User
Longtime User
Following the steps of:

I have a problem with the visualization of the plane. Completely compiles the project but when it reaches the line:

If MapFragment1.IsGooglePlayServicesAvailable = False Then

It directly closes the app, does not give me any error in the log. I've inserted MapFragment1 from the designer.

It seems all right but it does not happen to me there.


AddManifestText (
<Uses-sdk android: minSdkVersion = "14" android: targetSdkVersion = "23" />
<Supports-screens android: largeScreens = "true"
Android: normalScreens = "true"
Android: smallScreens = "true"
Android: anyDensity = "true" />)
SetApplicationAttribute (android: icon, "@ drawable / icon")
SetApplicationAttribute (android: label, "$ LABEL $")
'End of default text.
AddManifestText (<uses-feature android: name = "android.hardware.location.gps" />)

SetApplicationAttribute (android: label, "@ string / app_name") 'NEW in v3.0 !!!
AddApplicationText (
<Activity android: name = "" />
Android: name = ""
Android: launchMode = "singleTask">
<Date android: scheme = "XXXXXXX" /> <! - NEED TO UPDATE ->
<Action android: name = "android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<Category android: name = "android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<Category android: name = "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
</ Intent-filter>
</ Activity>
Android: name = ""
Android: enabled = "true"
Android: exported = "false"
Android: label = "Dropbox Sync" />
AddPermission (android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)

AddApplicationText (
Android: name = ""
Android: value = "XXXXXXXX" />


Licensed User
Longtime User
What version of the google play services have you got installed?

I think my maps is version 2.00 (as indicated in B4A).

Did you add this line?


Although I can't remember now if you do or don't need this line - although it is in my App which works.

I guess you've put in the 'general services' manifest additions as well? from here?
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