Sub gmap01_Ready
gmap01.MapType = gmap01.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE ' Map is Satellite View
Dim cp As CameraPosition
cp.Initialize(-28.255463, 29.116803, 18) ' Use your co-ordinates here
gmap01.MoveCamera(cp) ' Now move the camera to those co-ordinate - also look at MoveCamera2
Private LatLong As LatLng
LatLong.Initialize(-28.255463, 29.116803) ' Create a latlong group
Dim m As Marker ' Create your Marker
m = gmap01.AddMarker2(-28.255463, 29.116803, "myLocation", File.GetUri(File.DirAssets, "myMarkerPin.png"))
Private r = 50 As Double - Create a Red circle
Circle1 = gmap01.AddCircle(LatLong, r, 2, fx.Colors.Red, fx.Colors.Red, 0.25) Place the circle around your Marker
End Sub