iOS Question Google Maps SDK 9.1.1 / Internal Library Version and IOS Version Support.


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Apple have announced that as of May 2025 their Maps SDK will only support IOS version 16 or above. As a user of Hosted Builder I presume @Erel installs the latest SDKs to the platform as and when they become available?

I understand the installed audience of IOS 15 or below is now less than 2.5% so that aspect does not particularly worry me. Google have advised me that I still have users in that group and I will require to update prior to that date in order to support them.

What does concern me is the timing of updates to my various apps as the SDKs progress. What do I need to do? Currently my Maps apps have #MinVersion: 11.0.... Does this need to be raised?

My IDE is showing iGoogleMaps lib version 1.5 but a lower version 1.42 available online ????

Will the GoogleMaps.bundle require updating?


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@Erel - sorry for my confusion..... Not Apple maps but Google maps interaction from IOS. This is from Google:

What do you need to know​

Starting May 2025, all newly released versions of Maps, Places, and Navigation for iOS will only support iOS 16 or later. The earlier SDK versions will continue supporting iOS 15.

If your dependencies do not specify a version number, your Integrated Development Environment (IDE) will load the newest SDK version and new builds of your app will not support iOS 15.

What do you need to do​

You are required to specify a version of the Maps, Places, and Navigation SDKs for iOS in your application's build dependencies to control when you raise the minimum supported OS for newer versions of your app.

Our records show that the projects listed in the table below are used on devices running iOS 15. To ensure continued support, update your SDK dependencies in the next release before May 2025.


So do we need to worry about this change ?

And why does my IDE show iGooglemaps lib version 1.5 but version 1.42 online?
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