Is there any way, from Google Maps library, or using other method, to get the shortest distance from two points Distance by road and not direct (strait line) distance ?
The distance (here, 16428 metres) is usually good, but the time doesn't take traffic into account.
I assume there's some limit on how much routing you can do for free, but I never got any sign of rejection even when I was doing gridded lookups up to 80 x 80 but was just me and only a few times per day - there might be some pushback if you had thousands of users doing similar.
I have been using and cooperating with this service for years, and if it is limited, if they detect that you make massive use of the service. but there is an option so that you do not have problems with the blocking of the service.
Here's a demo of how to use the nominatim geocoding API for free. Note: There are other geocoding options if you want to know, leave your comments. Demo file attached Sub GeoCoderNominatim(Query As String) As ResumableSub Dim ResultURL As String Dim j As HttpJob Dim Parameter() As...
This code is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J. 1. Get an API key: 2. Sub PlaceToLatLon(Place As String) As ResumableSub Dim res() As Double = Array As Double(9999, 9999) Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("", Me)...
Hello, As I learned from previous topics, in mobile sdk , there is no find route or navigate option. IS there a library that can be wrapped for this purpose to use with google maps or any other tricky way to find a route between two points or navigate to a point ? What should we focus on to...