Issue found: Permission use is not directly related to your app's core purpose.
We found that your app is not compliant with how REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission is allowed to be used. Specifically, the use of the permission is not directly related to the core purpose of the app.
Additionally, follow these steps to bring your app into compliance:
Please remove the use of REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission from your app.
The REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission allows an application to request the installation of app packages. To use this permission, your app’s core functionality must include:
Sending or receiving app packages, AND
Enabling user-initiated installation of app packages.
Permitted functionalities include any of the following:
Web browsing or search
Communication services that support attachments
File sharing, transfer or management
Enterprise device management
Backup and restore
Device migration / phone transfer
The REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission may not be used to perform self updates, modifications, or the bundling of other APKs in the asset file unless for device management purposes. All updates or installing of packages must abide by Google Play’s Device and Network Abuse policy and must be initiated and driven by the user.
For more help addressing this issue, read more in our Help Center
Request Install Packages Permission