Games Google Play Games on PC


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I haven't found any information on the subject on the forums, but I have received an email from Google telling me that one of my games is going to be added to the Google play games on PC platform.
They tell me that I don't have to do anything, that they have already tested it and that everything is correct.
I honestly didn't know anything about this, nor that this new platform existed, it seems interesting, that's for sure.
I imagine that for many games it will be necessary to add keyboard control?
BTW, here are some guidelines


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Yes, that's why I was asking to see if anyone else had experienced this, or had any more information. I imagine I'll have to add keyboard support, among other things. It's not a game that's going to play well with the mouse...
Honestly I've been a bit disconnected for a while, I'm new to this, I'll investigate to see...
From Google they tell me that I don't have to touch anything, that the game has been chosen by them, that they have tested it and everything is OK.


New Member
Hello, sorry for writing in an old thread. Does anyone have information on how much Google has scaled all this and on what criteria they select? There are several games in development, and I would like to be included in their pool.
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