Android Question Google play games services leaderboard


Licensed User
Hi I have a question for those that have experience using the Google play games services library. I have downloaded the library and the demo which I have been able to configure without any major issues. My problem has been trying to figure out how to remove the parts that I do not need without breaking it. I would just like to connect, login ( without prompting the user if possible) , and retrieve the raw score data. I already have a local scoreboard I plan to adapt to except the data from gpgs. So I would appreciate very much if someone could walk me through the connection process and hopefully I can take it from there. Thanks in advance.


Licensed User
Thank you for your reply, pretty sure I have read nearly all of the 150+ posts in that thread. Most cover errors in the configuration of the library which I didn't really didn't have a problem with. I believe my problem is more fundamental. My ignorance in understanding client connections is compounded by my lack of understanding of how a wrapped library relates to the native Java code. Having a better grasp of one of them would at least give me an end to work from...So it's time for me to put on the big boy pants and grow as a developer! I will start a new thread to ask for recommendations on how I may proceed.
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