Android Question Google PLAY variable text size warning

Gerardo Tenreiro

Active Member
Licensed User
I am trying to publish an APP on GOOGLE PLAY and in the review they did not give this warning that I do not know how to solve.
It is in Spanish, which is my native language, but it means that the labels are with text of fixed size and should be with variable size.
In B4A I can't find this option.

I am attaching a screenshot of the warning to see if you can give me a clue.

Thank you so much



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The user can change the text scale in the device settings.
With most apps, the text will be cut at some point. You can try it to see.

There are some approaches to handle this, you can make the labels a bit larger and leave some extra room. You can also reset the user scale effect, though it is not a perfect solution.

You can set the label width to -2 which is the value of WRAP_CONTENT, but make sure to check the effect on the layout as it will not magically handle all cases.
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Gerardo Tenreiro

Active Member
Licensed User
Thank you so much

I modified the code with "Label.width = -2" and apparently it works correctly. I will upload the code again to Google PLAY for review, to see if they don't find anything else and I can publish the APP

Thank you so much
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