Google Play has suspended application and sent me this letter, what solution has
After review, Washco-work, washco.move, has been suspended and removed from Google Play as a policy strike because it violates the impersonation policy.
After searching in Google I found some answers, including that I submit an objection and send a picture of the control panel on my site
I did so, is this true?
Hi there,
Thanks for your response.
I've forwarded your question to the Policy Team team at Google. Expect to hear from them soon.
If you have further questions about the Play Console, please let us know.
i encounter the same problem, this is what i did
i edit the front page of our website and include this " Developed by: or Powered by: " and contact us at : (email address of your google dev. acc.)
after that tell them to check the sites home page or take a screen shot and send it to them
I doubt they work 24h and your appeal might perhaps be verified by a legal / IP team before they will give you an answer. I think for matters like this 2-3 working days is normal.
I doubt they work 24h and your appeal might perhaps be verified by a legal / IP team before they will give you an answer. I think for matters like this 2-3 working days is normal.
For you it might be lazy but if I was the owner of the material being infringed, I would prefer that Google's legal team examines questions like this properly.
In this case it might be different if he is the owner.