Android Question Google says app not zipaligned


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Google Play says app not zipaligned?

I've tried it with Compile without signing, copied the app to Google play and it won't accept it?

Any ideas? I've tried searching and going in circles I think?




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Hi Erel, I have tried this, almost everything?

Unless I have the wrong keystore values, I can't see what is up? Pic attached.



  • Google error.png
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It can't be the Keystore as I tried to just create another app and Google cannot (or will not) upload the APK?

Something strangely wrong here? I don't know how many times I have compiled this in how may ways and it won't upload?

Anyone else come across this problem?

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Hi Erel, I have tried it in Chrome at home, I've tried it in both Chrome and FF at work and it keeps saying it is not zipaligned?

I compiled and ran it ok before hand?


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Update! I had to manually zipalign the app and Google uploaded it.

I do get a console message though, but not sure if that's anything to do with the app or just that there's a current version and this one would take over?? You can tell I do this a lot eh? Pic attached, hopefully I'm right?


  • publish.png
    37 KB · Views: 161
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Hi Erel, I had already went ahead and zipaligned it manually, uploaded it, then made the new version live. I've probably screwed something up though as I went to update the existing app on my phone from Google Play and got an error.

I had to uninstall it and install the new version, so I've not used the correct method by the looks?


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Hi Erel, I hadn't deactivated the old version and Google kept saying the new one wasn't zipaligned. Unaware of the fact as you mentioned I should have deactivated first, I had no idea what was happening or going wrong, so I manually zipaligned it and it uploaded ok?

It's tempting to see if I can deactivate the previous version onto Play, download it onto my phone, the deactivate it again and try uploading and activating the original b4a compiled file? Then test to see if the update works correctly?

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Hi Erel, I am happy that is is uploaded, the niggling bit is the error when updating. Not good for users if they have to uninstall etc.

It may have been the phone I was using as it was an older one and the only one that had the previous version on it. No doubt I will hear if there are any problems


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Hi Erel, I have the same problem, The Compiler is not Aligning the APK during compilation. and I have to Align Manually to upload it to the Play Store.

I recently reinstalled my SO, and when reinstalling Android SDK, i forgot to change the destination path, so installed on "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android"

I think maybe this is the problem.
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